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Our Complete Guide to Citing in MLA 9 Format

In academia, citations help you avoid plagiarism and demonstrate your credibility as a researcher. The MLA format is widely used for this purpose, particularly for writing papers in literature and humanities.
Our comprehensive MLA guide will walk you through the process of citing various types of sources in MLA, as well as formatting your Works Cited list. With plenty of specific examples and step-by-step instructions, you'll be able to master the art of MLA citation in no time.
Get ready to master the art of MLA citations!

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MLA Format Overview
The Modern Language Association (MLA) citation format is a widely used citation style for academic papers in the humanities and liberal arts. Designed to provide a clear and consistent method of citing sources, the MLA format helps writers avoid plagiarism and give proper credit to their sources. This citation style uses two main components: in-text citations and the Works Cited page.
In-text citations appear within the body of the paper, providing a brief reference to the source, usually including the author's last name and the page number where the information was found. In-text citations correspond to the full citation found on the Works Cited page, which is organized alphabetically by the author's last name.
The Works Cited page in the MLA citation format provides a comprehensive list of all sources used in the paper, offering detailed information about each source to help readers locate them. The format varies slightly based on the type of source, such as a book, journal article, or website. The MLA citation style prioritizes clarity and simplicity, making it easy for both writers and readers to understand and navigate the sources used in a paper.
Insert MLA In-text Citations
In the MLA citation format, in-text citations are brief references within the body of a paper that guide readers to the full citation in the Works Cited page. They typically include the author's last name and the page number where the information was found. Here you can find detailed examples of in-text citations in the MLA format:
Basic in-text citation: The most common in-text citation includes the author's last name and the page number(s) in parentheses, placed at the end of the sentence before the period. For example: (Smith 42).
Multiple authors: If a source has two authors, include both last names in the citation, separated by "and." For example: (Smith and Johnson 58). If a source has three or more authors, include the first author's last name followed by "et al." For example: (Smith et al. 22).
Multiple works by the same author: If citing multiple works by the same author, include a shortened version of the title to differentiate between the sources. For example: (Smith, "A Journey into the Universe" 12) and (Queen, Rose Water 35).
No author: If the source has no author, use a shortened version of the title in quotation marks for articles or in italics for longer works, such as books or websites. For example: ("Article Title" 5) or (Book Title 32).
Citing multiple sources in one sentence: If referencing multiple sources in one sentence, separate each citation with a semicolon. For example: (Smith 42; Bart 78).
Indirect citations (quotations within a source): If citing a quotation from a source that is itself quoting another source, use the abbreviation "qtd. in" before the indirect source. For example: (qtd. in Smith 15).
Electronic sources without page numbers: When citing electronic sources without page numbers, use the author's last name only or a shortened version of the title if no author is available. For example: (Smith) or ("Article Title").
Audiovisual sources: If citing a film, television show, or other audiovisual source, use the title (italicized) and a timestamp (hours, minutes, and seconds) instead of a page number. For example: (Citizen Kane 01:22:15).
For long quotations, use a block quote format. Indent the entire quotation one inch from the left margin and do not use quotation marks. Place the in-text citation after the closing punctuation.
Smith emphasizes the importance of proper citation:
Citing sources correctly is essential for maintaining academic integrity and avoiding plagiarism. By giving credit to the original authors, you demonstrate respect for their work and allow readers to locate the sources you used. (25)
Format Your MLA Works Cited
A Works Cited page is an essential part of any research paper or academic work using the MLA citation format. It provides a comprehensive list of all sources cited in the paper, allowing readers to locate and verify the sources used.
Here are detailed instructions on how to format a Works Cited page in MLA format:
- Choose placement and title: The Works Cited page should begin on a separate page at the end of your paper. Center the title "Works Cited" (without quotation marks) at the top of the page. Do not bold, italicize, or underline the title.
- Use correct spacing and margins: Use double-spacing throughout the Works Cited page. Maintain 1-inch margins on all sides of the page. The first line of each citation should be flush with the left margin. Indent any additional lines by 0.5 inches (a hanging indent).
- Organize citations: Sort the list of sources in alphabetical order by the author's last name. If a source does not have an author, use the title to alphabetize the entry. Ignore articles ("a," "an," "the") when alphabetizing by title.
- Format entries correctly: Follow the general format for each source type (e.g., books, articles, websites) as specified in the MLA Handbook. Include the author's name, the title of the work, the container (if applicable), and other relevant information such as the publisher, publication date, and location.
- Don't forget about punctuation and capitalization: Use title case for titles, capitalizing the first word, the last word, and all other major words. Use punctuation marks consistently, following the guidelines in the MLA Handbook.
- Check for accuracy: Be sure to check each reference for accuracy, including spelling and punctuation, as well as proper capitalization and italics.

Remember to consult the MLA Handbook for specific guidelines and examples for various source types. As you add sources to your Works Cited page, be sure to double-check the formatting to ensure consistency and accuracy.
Cite Books in MLA
To cite a book in your Works Cited list, follow this format:
For example:
If the book is an edited volume, use the word "editor" or "editors" after the editor's name, depending on whether it is a single or multiple editors.
Citing an edited book:
For books with multiple editions, specify the edition after the title, using ordinal numbers (e.g., "2nd ed.").
Citing a book with multiple editions:
If a book is part of a series or multivolume set, include the volume number after the title, preceded by "vol." In cases where a book has no author, the citation should begin with the title.
When citing a book that has been translated, include the translator's name after the title, preceded by the word "Translated by."
Citing a translated book:
When citing a specific chapter or essay within an edited book or anthology, start with the author's name, followed by the title of the chapter or essay in quotation marks, then the title of the book, the editor's name, and the page numbers of the cited section.
Citing a specific portion of a book:
These examples cover various scenarios and exceptions for citing books in MLA format. Remember to consult the MLA Handbook for more information and specific guidelines when formatting your citations.
Cite Journal Articles in MLA
When citing a journal article in MLA format, follow this template:
For the journal articles that you accessed online, from JSTOR or a different online database, make sure to include the DOI or the URL if the DOI is unavailable.
Citing a journal article accessed online:
If an article has two authors, include both authors' names separated by "and."
Citing an article with two authors:
If an article has three or more authors, list only the first author, followed by "et al."
Citing an article with three authors:
In some cases, the journal article may not have an official author or some other elements, like the volume or issue number. In this situation, the title of the article is used in place of the author's name, while the volume and issue are omitted.
Citing an article without an author, volume or issue number:
Cite Websites in MLA
Citing a webpage on your MLA Works Cited page? Use the following format:
However, web pages may often not have an identified author. In this situation, the title of the article is used in place of the author's name. For example:
Citing a web page without an author:
When citing a website with an organization as the author, you can use the organization's name as both the author and the website name if they are the same.
Citing a website with an organization as the author:
If no publication date is available, use the abbreviation "n.d." (no date).
Moreover, for online sources without a publication date or for sources that can be updated or changed without notice (like web pages), it is recommended to include the "Accessed" date. This provides a clearer timeline of when the researcher viewed the material and ensures accuracy, as the content might have been updated or removed since that date. Using the "Accessed" date is especially useful for materials that are subject to change or when a source's stability cannot be guaranteed.
Cite Book Chapters in MLA
Citing a book chapter in MLA format requires you to include the chapter author and the book editor(s). The format is:
If the book is a translation, include the translator's name after the editor's name (if any), preceded by the phrase "translated by."
Citing a chapter in a translated book:
If the chapter has a unique title within a larger work, such as a play within an anthology or a collection of works by different authors, include the title of the larger work in italics, followed by the editor's name (if any) and the page numbers of the cited section.
Citing a chapter from a collection of works:
If the book is a multivolume set, include the volume number after the book title and edition (if available), preceded by "vol."
For chapters with supplementary materials or appendices, include the relevant page numbers or identifiers in the citation.
Cite Ebooks in MLA
Citing an ebook in MLA format follows similar guidelines to citing a printed book, but with a few additional details. The basic format for citing an ebook is as follows:
For example:
If the ebook has a DOI (Digital Object Identifier), the citation should include it at the end of the reference.
Citing an ebook with a DOI:
If your ebook was only available on a tablet, e-reader, or a reading app such as Kindle, all you need to do is to include the words "E-book ed."after the title.
Citing an ebook from a personal device:
In some scenarios, additional elements need to be included in the citation. If the ebook is part of a series, provide the series name and volume number after the publisher and before the publication date.
If the ebook is a translation, include the translator's name after the editor's name (if available), preceded by the phrase "translated by." For ebooks with supplementary materials, include the relevant page numbers or identifiers in the citation.
Cite Magazine Articles in MLA
To cite a magazine article in your MLA Works Cited page, use the following format:
For example:
If the magazine article is found online, you should also provide the URL or DOI at the end of the citation.
For example:
If the magazine is published seasonally (e.g., Winter, Spring, Summer, or Fall) rather than monthly, include the season and year as the publication date (e.g., Winter 2021).
Cite Newspaper Articles in MLA
For newspaper articles, the MLA citation format is similar to magazine articles:
For example:
If the article is found online, include the URL or the DOI (Digital Object Identifier) if available, but do not include the page numbers.
For example:
If the newspaper isn't widely recognized or is a local paper, include the name of the city in parentheses following the newspaper's title.
If the article is available in both print and digital formats, the citation should be identical for both, but for digital articles, you should also include a DOI or a URL at the end of the citation.
Cite Conference Papers in MLA
To cite published conference proceedings in MLA, use the following format:
For example:
After the author's name, make sure to include the title of the paper in quotation marks, followed by the title of the conference (italicized), the date and location of the conference, and any relevant publication information (for instance, whether the paper has been published).
When a conference paper is part of a published conference proceedings, include the editor's name (if available) preceded by "edited by," the title of the proceedings (italicized), the publisher, and the publication date.
For online conference papers, provide the URL or DOI (if available) at the end of the citation.
Citing an edited conference paper available online:
Remember that each specific conference paper may require additional information or variations in the citation format.
Cite Audio & Visual Media in MLA
For audiovisual materials like films, television series, and YouTube videos, include the contributor(s) most relevant to your source, such as the director, or if not available, then producer, or writer. The MLA citation format for films materials is:
For example:
However, there are some exceptions to this format. When citing a TV-show episode, make sure to include the show title, as well as the season and episode numbers.
Citing a TV-show episode:
If you’re looking to cite a song, your citation should include the song title, as well as the name of the album and format (if applicable), or URL or DOI (if available).
Citing a song:
Remember that different scenarios and exceptions may require you to adapt these structures. Always consult the MLA Handbook for more information and specific guidelines when formatting your citations for audio and visual materials.
Cite Podcasts in MLA
To cite a podcast episode in MLA format, use the following citation structure:
For example:
If the podcast episode does not have an episode number, omit it from the citation.
If you need to cite a specific guest on the podcast, include their name and the description "guest" after the title of the podcast.
For example:
Keep in mind that you may need to adapt your citation based on the specific information available for the podcast and the focus of your discussion.
Cite Social Media Posts in MLA
For social media posts, use the following format in your MLA Works Cited:
Citing an Instagram post:
If the account name and its corresponding handle are similar (e.g., @aliciakeys and Alicia Keys), it is generally recommended to exclude the handle when including a URL in the entry. However, if you are not providing a URL, such as when referencing a mobile version of the site, it is advisable to include the handle, as it can assist your reader in locating the specific post.
Citing a Twitter post:
Citing a Facebook post:
Moreover, if you are accessing a post on the mobile version of a social media site and the copyright date is not visible, it is recommended to include the date you accessed the post as an additional element at the end of the entry.
Cite Images & Artworks in MLA
To cite an online image or artwork in your MLA citation list, the format is:
For example:
For digital images or artwork viewed online, begin with the artist's name, the title of the artwork in italics, the date of creation (if known), the website hosting the artwork or the name of the database, and the URL or DOI (if available).
Citing an image or artwork viewed online:
In cases where the creation date or author name is unknown, you can make adjustments to the citation format to account for the missing information.
If the creation date of the artwork is unknown, you can use the abbreviation "n.d." (no date) in place of the date.
If the author of the artwork is unknown, you can start the citation with the title of the artwork in italics. If it's necessary to provide context or specify that the author is unknown, you can use the term “Unknown Artist”, “Anonymous” or “Anon.”.
Citing an artwork with an unknown author and creation date:
Remember that citation requirements may vary depending on the context and the focus of your work. Always consult the MLA Handbook for more information and specific guidelines when formatting your citations with unknown information.
Cite Theses & Dissertations in MLA
When citing a thesis or dissertation in your MLA paper, use the following format:
For example:
For a digital thesis or dissertation, begin with the author's name, the title of the work in italics, the year of completion, the institution where the work was completed, the description of the work as a thesis or dissertation, and the URL or DOI (if available).
Citing a thesis or dissertation published online:
Cite Databases & Data Sets in MLA
When citing datasets or statistical data, include the author, publication year, title of the dataset, version, publisher, and the DOI or URL in your MLA Works Cited page:
For example:
If you are citing a specific work within a database or using data from a data set, you should first cite the work or the data following the appropriate citation format for that type of source (e.g., a journal article, a book, a newspaper article), and then add the database or data set as a supplementary source at the end of the citation.
Cite Mobile Applications in MLA
Citing mobile applications in MLA format requires the author, the app's release year, the app's title, the version, and the platform in your reference list entry:
For example:
Keep in mind that you may need to modify these examples based on the specific information available for the mobile application and the focus of your discussion.
Cite Classical Works
Citing classical works in MLA format involves various scenarios, depending on factors such as the type of source (print or digital), the specific edition or translation being cited, and the availability of specific information (author, title, date, etc.).
Keep in mind that classical works often have unique citation requirements due to their historical context and the numerous editions, translations, or versions available.
Here is the general structure for citing classical works in MLA format:
For example:
N.B. When referencing classical works, the original publication year is often unknown or irrelevant; instead, provide the year of the translation or version you are using in parentheses, followed by a period.
Cite Legal Documents
For a legal document as the main focus of your MLA citation, provide the title of the document in italics, the document number or code, the name of the authority issuing the document, the publication date, and the URL or DOI (if available).
For example:
For court cases, the citation structure is a bit different:
When citing the Constitution, you can use the following format: Title of Constitution, jurisdiction or authority, publication date, URL or DOI (if available).
For more information and examples on how to cite different government documents in the MLA format, we suggest that you follow these guidelines from the MLA Style Center.
Cite Online Lectures & TED Talks
When citing online lectures, webinars, or TED Talks, include the speaker, the date, the title of the talk, and the URL in your APA reference list entry:
For example:
Cite Course Materials & Lectures in MLA
Course materials are considered unique academic sources and should be cited according to the guidelines for educational or instructional materials. Here is the general structure for citing course materials in MLA format:
For example:
Cite Personal Communications in MLA
In MLA format, personal communications, such as interviews, emails, letters, or personal conversations, are considered unpublished sources and are not typically included in the Works Cited list because they cannot be accessed by your readers.
Instead, you should provide a parenthetical citation within the text of your document, giving credit to the source.
When citing personal communications in your text, mention the source of the communication, the type of communication (e.g., email, letter, personal interview, etc.), and the date the communication took place.
Here is the general structure for citing personal communications in MLA format:
(Source's Last Name, Type of Communication, Date)
Keep in mind that you should only cite personal communications in the body of your text, as they cannot be accessed by your readers and, therefore, should not be listed in the Works Cited page.
For example:
- Personal interview: According to John Smith, the use of renewable energy has increased dramatically in the last decade (personal interview, 7 May 2023).
- Email: Jane Doe mentioned in an email that her research findings support the use of electric vehicles to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (12 April 2023).
- Letter: She recently expressed her concerns about the environmental impact of deforestation (Sarah Johnson, letter, 10 June 2022).
Always ensure that you have the permission of the person you are citing to include their personal communication in your work, as this information is not publicly accessible and may involve privacy concerns.
MLA Style: Final Notes
As you can see, the MLA citation format provides a consistent and clear method for citing various types of sources in your research. By mastering the MLA citation style, you will not only make your work more professional but also help your readers easily locate the sources you have used.
We hope this comprehensive guide on MLA citation style has provided you with a solid foundation for citing sources in your research. Remember thatBibcitation is here to help you with your academic needs, offering accurate and easy-to-use tools.